FISH of Torrington operates a 35-bed Emergency shelter that accepts single adults and families with children. 5 beds are dedicated to veterans and their in-house food service provides breakfast and dinners to all residents. Intake hours are Monday to Sunday: 9 am to 11 pm. The length of stay is 90 days; however, veterans can stay longer. More information at 860-496-1648
The FISH Food Pantry provides supplemental food to those
individuals and families who qualify using guidelines established by the
Emergency Food Assistance Program. The Pantry is open Monday, Tuesday and Thursday
from 10am to 3pm and Friday from 10am to 2pm or by appointment. Both food and
monetary donations are accepted and needed. For more information,
The YMCA operates an emergency shelter in the Winchester area. More information at 860-379-0708.The Salvation Army, Torrington Corps Community Center provides a food pantry for residents of Goshen and Torrington. ID for all household members and proof of income and expenses is required. Pantry Hours: Tuesday through Friday 9am-3pm. For more information, 860-482-3569.
FISH of Torrington provides a food pantry for residents of Goshen, Harwinton, Litchfield, Morris, New Hartford and Torrington. Proof of residency and income for all household members is required. Pantry hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: 10am-1pmFor more information, 860-482-7300
The Harwinton Food Pantry, located in the basement of the Town Hall, is stocked with canned food items and is open to Harwinton residents Tuesdays from 10:30-11:45am
For more information, 860-485-9613
The Town of Burlington’s food pantry for town residents is open Mondays through Fridays 8:30am-4pm.
For more information, 860-673-6789
The Town of Thomaston’s food pantry serves town residents in emergency situations. Documentation required along with proof of residency.
For more information, 203-558-0853
The Salvation Army's Meriden food pantry serves working families, families who have been laid off during the year, families on state assistance with lost, stolen, or late checks, elderly persons and pregnant teens. The Pantry hours are Tuesday and Thursday from 9am-12pm
For more information, 203-235-6532
The Town of West Hartford provides a food pantry for residents of the town with income restrictions. The Pantry hours are Mondays through Fridays from 8:30am-4:30pm.
For more information, 860-561-7561.
Hands On Hartford offers a full choice shopping model Community Pantry.
For more information, 860-246-6757
The Berlin Food Pantry serves town residents. Appointments are strongly advised.
For more information, please call 860-828-7030
The Bloomfield Food Pantry serves town residents. Picture ID and proof of residency required.
For more information, 860-242-1895.
Canton’s Trinity Episcopal Church provides a food pantry for residents of Canton area neighborhoods. Photo ID or other proof of address required.
For more information, 860-693-0629
Middletown’s Amazing Grace offers approximately 3 days worth of food to individuals and families once per month. Family size determines the amount of food given at each visit. They are located on Stack Street near Rome Avenue.
For more information, 860-347-3222
The New Britain Food and Resource Center food pantry is open to New Britain residents Wednesdays and Fridays from 11am-3pm.
For more information, 860-827-8402