Sunday, May 17, 2020

Business Update

As a service to Torrington area businesses, WAPJ will be broadcasting short, non-promotional announcements concerning a business’s status during this pandemic emergency. As this is a rapidly changing situation, it is recommended that you contact the business to determine its status before going to its location.

Connecticut United Way has partnered with Neighborhood Trust Financial Partners, to offer a free financial coaching program available online and by phone. Known as TrustPlus, the program provides one‐on‐one support for clients with challenges such as dealing with creditors, finding emergency resources, and reducing debt. The program is available to all Connecticut residents. You can sign up by texting “AliceSaves” to 646‐349‐5959 or on line at

If your Torrington area business would like to announce its status, whether open, closed or reduced hours, etc, on WAPJ, please send a short, non-promotional message about your status to